Sunday 25 April 2010

Rise and shine

Hey, I'm Ben.
In this all new blog, I'll be sharing with you the world around me.

But first off, best to explain my self first, don't worry, won't take long.
At the time of me writing this, I am 16, considerably younger than most of my school year group, although not the youngest it must be said. There are two things that instantly stand out about me really. One, I am ginger! Second, I am tall. Both of these things are considerably rare. I also have glasses and am left handed. After noticing all that you may also notice that I am a boy.
One of my friends was once telling us how strange her group at school was, there was a tall person, a left handed person, a ginger person and a person with glasses. It was then that we realised that I was every one of those things, making me super strange :P

Thats my next point, I am a little weird. But to be honest, I like it that way. Normal is boring, dull. Its the grey of the world. You will often find me talking in an accent that in no possible way could be mine, and usually getting wrong really. That amongst other things.
I tend see life as if it was a film, every moment should be lived dramatically and loved. If I'm honest I've always wished that I could have a super power, something a bit out of the ordinary. Even at 16, I still thought to myself yesterday, "wouldn't it be nice to fly up outside while it's sunny?"

I'm a Christian and I'm quite open about it too. I've had people ask me about it and challenge me about it before, and I still maintain that it only makes you stronger to stand up for what you believe in. Because of this, I believe in Christian morals too. I was brought up to know them and I've chosen to follow them.

But back to the blog.

Yes, I do realise that currently, it is quite late. So as I hope you have guessed, "Rise and shine" is sort of metaphorical. As I was saying earlier, all my life I've wondered what it would be like to have super powers . . .
Ok, so maybe I'm being sci-fi, geeky, fantasising. But honestly, if it's never crossed your mind then I think that you're probably less normal than someone who possessed said powers. I mean, who wouldn't love to have a power? Really?
I love programs like Heroes and Misfits, I was never really a comic book super hero kind of guy. I tend to do a lot of video editing and graphics, so I've also tried my hand at special powers, albeit not that successfully in most cases.
But this got me thinking, back to one of the age old questions that man has pondered for centuries, what super power would I actually choose if I were given the chance?
I narrowed my choices down to:
Mind reading
Time travel

Personally I think I'd choose telekinesis, but that's just me. Tell me what you think in the comments box and vote for your favourite in the poll.

Now I realise that this post has indeed gone off on a bit of a sci-fi tangent. I apologise. But be sure that I will indeed be covering far FAR more subjects that just this.
The weird, the wonderful and the sometimes strange world around us all.

So as the Sun sets for my "Rise and shine" blog post, please head over to to check out some of the amazing facts, quotes and stories that lie waiting for you.

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Which Power Would You Choose?